Gold Medal for Merit in Work
In September 2018, the European Economy and Competitiveness Association awarded us its greatest distinction, the Gold Medal for Merit in Work. That award, given to the most outstanding professionals in the European business panorama, recognises our continued efforts to seek business excellence, our commitment to corporate social responsibility and our entrepreneurial spirit.
For B2B Solutions, it was an enormous honour and a great satisfaction to receive that recognition, which rewards each and every one of the Company’s professionals and our commitment to our work in order to achieve our clients goals and meet their expectations.

The president of the European Economy and Competitiveness Association, José Luis Barceló, editor and director of the newspaper El Mundo Financiero, bestows the Gold Medal for Merit in Work on Carlos Jiménez, Technical Operations Manager of B2B Solutions.

Carlos Jiménez, Technical Operations Manager of B2B Solutions, and Lucía Bello, Administrative
Manager of B2B Solutions, show off the accrediting diploma. With them are Antonio Conde, B2B Solutions consultant, and José Luis Barceló, president of the European Economy and Competitiveness Association.
Summary of the ceremony and words of thanks by Carlos Jiménez, general manager and CEO of B2B Solutions.