

A smarter way to engage in trade

TradeLens is a highly secure data and document-sharing platform that simplifies and speeds your trade workflows.
The solution provide a set of powerful, digital supply-chain visibility, collaboration and analytics tools developed with support from carriers, customs, banks and inland transport providers.

Reliable information on estimated and actual milestones for your shipments can be hard to come by, and not having the right documents in the hands of the right participants can stop a shipment in its tracks. TradeLens offers a consistent and holistic view of reliable shipment event data and corresponding documents — all delivered directly from participating sources. It’s a single source of truth shared by — and with —permissioned supply chain partners for collective success.


TradeLens can be understood in three components: The Ecosystem, the Platform, and the Applications and Services Marketplace. Each part plays a distinct role in allowing TradeLens members to derive the most value for their businesses.


An open Applications and Services Marketplace allows both TradeLens and third parties to publish fit-for-purpose services atop the TradeLens platform, fostering supply chain innovation and value creation.


The TradeLens Platform is accessible via an open API and brings together the ecosystem through a set of open standards. Powered by Hyperledger Fabric blockchain
technology and IBM Cloud, the platform enables the industry to share information and collaborate securely.


The foundation of TradeLens is its business network: shippers, freight forwarders, ports and terminals, ocean carriers, government authorities, customs brokers and more. Each entity shares information that can be tracked, stored and actioned across the platform throughout a shipment’s journey.


  • A single connected ecosystem
    Imagine the various efficiencies that could be achieved if everybody involved in the supply chain was truly on the same page. Now they can be, through TradeLens’ single, secure data-sharing and collaboration platform.

  • Information made for sharing
    Get real-time access to all relevant supply chain data for all involved parties, including key shipping dates, specific information about cargo, related trade documents, sensor readings, customs filings and more.

  • A platform for innovation
    The TradeLens platform champions innovation as an open API environment and promotes the use of standards and the push for interoperability. The platform also supports an Application Marketplace that welcomes third-party development on the platform.

Data Sharing Concept

Featured highlights:

    Dynamically manage all your shipments across the ecosystem TradeLens Core lets you bring your key supply chain partners onto the TradeLens platform with you, so that together, you can move your supply chain forward with success.

    Increase your data accuracy, consistency and reliability TradeLens is driving data validation through standards, proactive data monitoring and issuedetection, and by facilitating a feedback loop across all parties.

    Access your shipment data quickly and easily online TradeLens Core Shipment Manager gives you easy online access to TradeLens ecosystem data so you can effectively manage a modern supply chain without costly set-ups.
    React faster with finely tuned shipping notifcations With TradeLens Core, you can set notifications for your critical shipping and document events, so your teams are alerted when things happen, right to their systems or mobile device.
    Access the speed and flexibility of api integration With TradeLens Core, integration is via non proprietary, publicly available APIs that are simple to set-up so you and your partners can quickly share data and expedite trade.
    Optimize your business with granular analysis and insights TradeLens Core Dashboards gives you powerful, actionable insights into the end-to-end supply chain ecosystem through a suite of standard and customizable visualization tools.
    Get instant document visibility and version control TradeLens Core lets you quickly access and share digitized trade documents and associated events with your partners and provides an immutable audit trail with crystal-clear version control.
    Bring your supply chain together on a single platform TradeLens Core lets you bring your key supplychain partners onto the TradeLens platform with you, so that together, you can move your supply chain forward with success.

Contact B2B Solutions if you have questions or need more information about TradeLens.